Award Information
CyPos Congress Awards
- Radiation Therapy (photon/electron) 4 O-023
- Shin Miyakawa (Komazawa Univ.)
Design and development of a non-rigid phantom that ventilates air for the quantitative evaluation of CT-based pulmonary ventilation imaging
- Nuclear Medicine 1 O-043
- Fumihiko Nishikido (QST/NIRS)
Development of second add-on PET/MRI prototype: Evaluation of PET imaging performance
- Diagnostic Imaging 2 O-090
- Hidetake Hara (Kitasato Univ.)
Image quality of virtual monochromatic imaging in dual-energy CT for detection of acute ischemic stroke
- Radiation Therapy (particle) 4 O-103
- Chie Toramatsu (Tokyo Women's Med. Univ.)
Beam angle optimization incorporating anatomical heterogeneities for pencil beam scanning charged-particle therapy in head and neck cancer
- Meidcal Physics Education O-118
- Noriyuki Kadoya (Tohoku Univ.)
Educational outcomes of a medical physicist program in Japan for past ten years with "Ganpro"
- Magnetic Resonance 3 O-127
- Ken Masuyama (Teine Keijinkai Hosp.)
Gadolinium contrast agent enhances longitudinal relaxation rate strongly in solution with intracellular viscosity
- Radiation Measurement 1 O-135
- Ryo Kakino (Univ. of Kyushu)
A comparison of generating properties of 128I and 134mCs in a self-activated CsI scintillator for different energy neutron fields
- Radiation Therapy (particle) 8 O-162
- Toshiyuki Terunuma (Univ. of Tsukuba)
Markerless tumor tracking by classification of deep machine learning
Excellent Presentation Award for AFOMP member
- Paul Kumaresh Chandra (Bangladesh)
- The shift of the effective point of measurement and displacement perturbation factor at cylindrical chambers in high energy Photon beams
- Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao (Vietnam)