CyPos大会長賞 8名
- 放射線治療(光子・電子) 4 O-023
- 宮川 真(駒澤大学大学院)
Design and development of a non-rigid phantom that ventilates air for the quantitative evaluation of CT-based pulmonary ventilation imaging
- 核医学 1 O-043
- 錦戸 文彦(量研機構放医研)
Development of second add-on PET/MRI prototype: Evaluation of PET imaging performance
- X線診断 2 O-090
- 原 秀剛(北里大学)
Image quality of virtual monochromatic imaging in dual-energy CT for detection of acute ischemic stroke
- 放射線治療(粒子) 4 O-103
- 寅松 千枝(東京女子医科大学)
Beam angle optimization incorporating anatomical heterogeneities for pencil beam scanning charged-particle therapy in head and neck cancer
- 教育 O-118
- 角谷 倫之(東北大学病院)
Educational outcomes of a medical physicist program in Japan for past ten years with "Ganpro"
- 磁気共鳴 3 O-127
- 増山 研(手稲渓仁会病院)
Gadolinium contrast agent enhances longitudinal relaxation rate strongly in solution with intracellular viscosity
- 放射線計測 1 O-135
- 柿野 諒(九州大学大学院)
A comparison of generating properties of 128I and 134mCs in a self-activated CsI scintillator for different energy neutron fields
- 放射線治療(粒子) 8 O-162
- 照沼 利之(筑波大学)
Markerless tumor tracking by classification of deep machine learning
英語プレゼンテーション賞 7名
- O-95
- 久米 恭
A space engineering application of therapeutic broad proton beam for a cosmic ray simulation
- O-142
- 黒河 千恵
Feasibility study of CBCT dose measurements with tissue-equivalent thermoluminescense sheet
- O-119
- 廖 彦朋
Reproducibility of the Asymptotic Analysis in Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MRI
- O-135
- 柿野 諒
A comparison of generating properties of 128I and 134mCs in a self-activated CsI scintillator for different energy neutron fields
- O-14
- 浅村 崚介
Quantitative analysis for coldspots in dose distributions of IMRT for prostate cancer
- O-54
- 田島 英朗
Development of a small prototype system toward real-time OpenPET image-guided surgery
- O-38
- 山谷 泰賀
Whole gamma imaging concept: feasibility study of triple-gamma imaging
AFOMP優秀発表賞 2名
- Paul Kumaresh Chandra(バングラディッシュ)
- The shift of the effective point of measurement and displacement perturbation factor at cylindrical chambers in high energy Photon beams
- Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao(ベトナム)
英語論文誌Radiological physics and technology優秀論文賞表彰式・受賞講演会のご案内