Radiological Physics and Technology

RPT表紙“Radiological Physics and Technology”(RPT)誌は、日本放射線技術学会(JSRT)と当学会共同の英語論文誌です(Springer社刊)。


副編集委員長市川勝弘、宮地利明、榮 武二、白石順二、内山良一、山谷泰賀、渡邉洋一、角谷倫之



Impact Factorについて

Impact Factor(IF)は掲載論文がどれくらい引用されたかを示す尺度によって、その分野に於ける当該学術雑誌の影響度を表す指標のひとつです。Clarivate Analytics社によって厳選された学術雑誌に対して毎年公表されています[1-3]。これまでは同社のデータベースScience Citation Index Expanded(SCIE)に収録されているジャーナルに対してのみ、IFが付与されていましたが、2023年からRPT誌が収録されているデータベース、Emerging Sources Citation Index(ESCI)での収録ジャーナルにも正式にIFが付与されることになりました。2024年6月に発表されたRPT誌の2023年のIFの値は1.7でした。今後IFの値を引き上げるためには、さらに引用を増やす必要があります。

  1. 笠井 咲「Impact Factor取得に向けて—Radiological Physics and Technology—」
  2. 土井邦雄「Radiological Physics and Technology―英語論文学会誌(RPT)の現状と将来―」
  3. 遠藤真広「引用される論文とされない論文―RPT誌などに出版された論文の解析からいえること―」
  4. 兼松伸幸「Manuscript preparation guide for Radiological Physics and Technology」


Impact Factor(IF)に関わるのは、論文が出版された翌年と翌々年の2年間の被引用数です。
2024年出版論文 2023年出版論文 2022年出版論文 2021年以前出版論文


本誌は、優れた英語論⽂学会誌に成⻑し、さらにIF取得に全⼒をあげています。IF 取得のための最も基本的なことは、掲載される論⽂の質を良くし、引⽤される論⽂の数を増やすことです。このためには、論⽂を評価し、より良い論⽂になるように指摘する査読者の役割は重要です。この⼿引きは、査読報告書を書いた経験の少ない査読者がより良い査読報告書を書くための要点をまとめたものです。


英語論文誌「Radiological Physics and Technology」(RPT)は、冊子体として年4回会員の皆様にお届けしています。この他、オンラインジャーナルとしてインターネットを通じて電子版で公開しています。オンラインジャーナルは、個々の論文がアクセプトされる毎に迅速にオンラインで公開され、最新の論文を世界中から閲覧できる仕組みとなっています。


  1. 学会のTOPページにアクセス
  2. TOPページの左側にある「My Page」から会員番号とパスワードを入力してログイン
  3. 「ジャーナルの閲覧」URLを開くからオンラインジャーナルにアクセス






Medical Imaging 分野Akihiro NaritaMethod for measuring noise-power spectrum independent of the effect of extracting the region of interest from a noise image
Nuclear medicine / Magnetic resonance imaging 分野Munetaka NittaDiscrimination of inter-crystal scattering events by signal processing for the X’tal cube PET detector
Radiation Therapy 分野Kohei OgumaVirtual clinical trial based on outcome modeling with iteratively redistributed extrapolation data
Diagnostic imaging 分野Takayuki OkamotoPatch-based artifact reduction for three-dimensional volume projection data of sparse-view micro-computed tomography
Nuclear medicine / Magnetic resonance imaging 分野Yuma IwaoMarker-less and calibration-less motion correction method for brain PET
Radiation metrology / Radiation therapy physics 分野Akihiro NohtomiFirst optical observation of 10B-neutron capture reactions using a boron-added liquid scintillator for quality assurance in boron neutron capture therapy
Diagnostic imaging 分野Takafumi NemotoEffects of sample size and data augmentation on U-Net-based automatic segmentation of various organs
Nuclear medicine / Magnetic resonance imaging 分野Keisuke MatsubaraIterative framework for image registration and partial volume correction in brain positron emission tomography
Radiation metrology / Radiation therapy physics 分野Megumi OyaInvestigation of clinical target volume segmentation for whole breast irradiation using three-dimensional convolutional neural networks with gradient-weighted class activation mapping
診断物理分野Yuya OnishiInvestigation of Pulmonary Nodule Classification Using Multi-Scale Residual Network Enhanced with 3DGAN-Synthesized Volumes
MRI・核医学分野Kazuki MotegiEvaluation of bone metastasis burden as an imaging biomarker by quantitative single-photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography for assessing prostate cancer with bone metastasis: a phantom and clinical study
放射線治療・計測・防護分野Yoshiro IekoThe impact of 4DCT-ventilation imaging-guided proton therapy on stereotactic body radiotherapy for lung cancer
診断物理分野Masatoshi SaitoSimulation of photon-counting detectors for conversion of dual-energy-subtracted computed tomography number to electron density
MRI・核医学分野Natsuki MinouraA complementary scheme for automated detection of high‑uptake regions on dedicated breast PET and whole‑body PET/CT
放射線治療・計測・防護分野Noriyuki KadoyaEvaluation of a 3D-printed heterogeneous anthropomorphic head and neck phantom for patient-specific quality assurance in intensity modulated radiation therapy
診断物理分野Chiaki TominagaTilted-wire method for measuring resolution properties of CT images under extremely low-contrast and high-noise conditions
MRI・核医学分野Chiharu KaiComputer-aided diagnosis with radiogenomics: Analysis of the relationship between genotype and morphological changes in brain magnetic resonance images
放射線治療・計測・防護分野Nobuyuki KanematsuEstimation of linear energy transfer distribution for broad-beam carbon-ion radiotherapy at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences
診断分野Sayed Ahmad Zikri Bin Sayed AluweeEvaluation of pre-surgical models for uterine surgery by use of three-dimensional printing and mold casting
MRI・核医学分野Nobuyuki KudomiFully parametric imaging with reversible tracer 18F-FLT within a reasonable time
防護・治療分野Fumio HashimotoDose reduction technique in diagnostic X-ray computed tomography by use of 6-channel multileaf collimators
診断分野Tomomi TakenagaA computer simulation method for low-dose CT images by use of real high-dose images: a phantom study
MRI・核医学分野Koya FujimotoAutomatic ROI construction for analyzing time-signal intensity curve in dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging of the breast
防護・治療分野Kazuki TakegamiEnergy dependence measurement of small-type optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeter by means of characteristic X-rays induced with general diagnostic X-ray equipment
治療分野Genichiro WakabayashiApplicability of self-activation of an NaI scintillator for measurement of photo-neutrons around a high-energy X-ray radiotherapy machine
核医学・MRI分野Seiji ShirakawaAttenuation correction of 111In planar images by use of dual energy, fundamental study by Monte Carlo simulation
診断分野Kazuhiro SatoAliased noise in X-ray CT images and band-limiting processing as a preventive measure
診断物理分野Xiangrong ZhouDevelopment and evaluation of statistical shape modeling for principal inner organs on torso CT images.
核医学MR分野Harumasa KasaiA method for assessing metabolic information on liver and bone marrow by use of double gradient-echo with spectral fat suppression.
治療分野Hiroyuki DateA formulation of cell surviving fraction after radiation exposure.
診断分野Risa TogeComputerized image-searching method for finding correct patients for misfiled chest radiographs in a PACS server by use of biological fingerprints
治療分野Mutsumi TashiroTechnical approach to individualized respiratory-gated carbon-ion therapy for mobile organs
核医学/MR /Informatics分野Yoshiyuki IshimoriFeasibility of MR perfusion-weighted imaging by use of a time-spatial labeling inversion pulse
診断分野Naoki KamiyaAutomated segmentation of psoas major muscle in X-ray CT images by use of a shape model: preliminary study
治療分野Satoshi KidaIn-treatment 4D cone-beam CT with image-based respiratory phase recognition
核医学/MR /Informatics分野Kazumasa InoueOptimization of injection dose based on noise-equivalent count rate with use of an anthropomorphic pelvis phantom in three-dimensional 18F-FDG PET/CT
診断分野Eiichiro OkumuraEffectiveness of temporal and dynamic subtraction images of the liver for detection of small HCC on abdominal CT images: comparison of 3D nonlinear image-warping and 3D global-matching techniques
治療分野Kenya MuraseSimulation and experimental studies on magnetic hyperthermia with use of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles
核医学/MR /Informatics分野Daiki MagomeAutomated segmentation method of white matter and gray matter regions with multiple sclerosis lesions in MR images
核医学/MR /Informatics分野Tomoyuki HasegawaCreation and application of three-dimensional computer-graphic animations for introduction to radiological physics and technology
治療分野Shinichiro MoriPractical approaches to four-dimensional heavy-charged-particle lung therapy
診断分野Takashi OhnishiThree-dimensional motion study of femur, tibia, and patella at the knee joint from bi-plane fluoroscopy and CT images
診断分野Toshihiro OguraStudy of intra-abdominal fat distribution in sigmoid colon cancer in Japanese patients by use of MDCT data
治療・保健物理分野Toshioh FujibuchiMeasurement of therma l neutron f luence distribution with use of 23Na radioactivation around a medical compact cyclotron
核医学/MR 分野Taiga YamayaImaging simulations of an “OpenPET” geometry with shifting detector rings
診断分野Rie TanakaDevelopment of a cardiac evaluation method using a dynamic flat-panel detector (FPD)
system: a feasibility study using a cardiac motion phantom
治療・保健物理分野Teiji NishioExperimental verification of proton beam monitoring in a human body by use of activity image of positron-emitting nuclei generated by nuclear fragmentation reaction
核医学/MR 分野Hideaki HaneishiSimplified simulation of four-layer depth of interaction detector for PET

MCA(Most Citation Award)賞



(2023年度)Yuya Nishitani, Ryohei Nakayama, Daisei Hayashi, Akiyoshi Hizukuri, Kan MurataSegmentation of teeth in panoramic dental X-ray images using U-Net with a loss function weighted on the tooth edge. Radiol Phys Technol 14, 64-69 (2021)

Seiichi YamamotoDiscovery of the luminescence of water during irradiation of radiation at a lower energy than the Cherenkov light threshold. Radiol Phys Technol 14, 16-24 (2021)
Ryosuke OtaPhoton counting detectors and their applications ranging from particle physics experiments to environmental radiation monitoring and medical imaging. Radiol Phys Technol 14, 134-148 (2021)
Hiroshi FujitaAI-based computer-aided diagnosis (AI-CAD): the latest review to read first” Radiol Phys Technol 13, 6–19 (2020).
Ayaka Sakai, Yuya Onishi, Misaki Matsui, Hidetoshi Adachi, Atsushi Teramoto, Kuniaki Saito, Hiroshi FujitaA method for the automated classification of benign and malignant masses on digital breast tomosynthesis images using machine learning and radiomic features. Radiol Phys Technol 13, 27–36 (2020)
Yohei Inaba, Koichi Chiba, Yuuki Murabayashi, Mime Endo,Kazuki Otomo, Masayuki ZuguchiAn initial investigation of a wireless patient radiation dosimeter for use in interventional radiology” Radiol Phys Technol 13, 321–326 (2020)
Tatsunori Saho, Hideo OnishiQuantitative comparison of hemodynamics in simulated and 3D angiography models of cerebral aneurysms by use of computational fluid dynamics” Radiol Phys Technol 8, 258–265 (2015)
Kaji Shizuo, Kida SatoshiOverview of image-to-image translation by use of deep neural networks: denoising, super-resolution, modality conversion, and reconstruction in medical imaging. 12, 235-248(2019)
Malekzadeh Reza, Mehnati Parinaz, Sooteh Mohammad Yousefi, Mesbahi AsgharInfluence of the size of nano- and microparticles and photon energy on mass attenuation coefficients of bismuth-silicon shields in diagnostic radiology. 12, 325-334(2019)
Hashimoto Fumio, Kakimoto Akihiro, Ota Nozomi, Ito Shigeru, Nishizawa SadahikoAutomated segmentation of 2D low- dose CT images of the psoas-major muscle using deep convolutional neural networks. 12, 210-215(2019)
Haga Akihiro, Wataru Takahashi, Shuri Aoki, Kanabu Nawa, Hideomi Yamashita, Osamu Abe, Keiichi NakagawaClassification of early stage non-small cell lung cancers on computed tomographic images into histological types using radiomic features: interobserver delineation variability analysis. 11, 27–35(2018)
Toshiyuki Terunuma, Aoi Tokui, Takeji SakaeNovel real-time tumor-contouring method using deep learning to prevent mistracking in X-ray fluoroscopy. 11, 43–53(2018)
Kajikawa Tomohiro, Noriyuki Kadoya, Kengo Ito, Yoshiki Takayama, Takahiro Chiba, Seiji Tomori, Ken Takada, Keiichi JinguAutomated prediction of dosimetric eligibility of patients with prostate cancer undergoing intensity- modulated radiation therapy using a convolutional neural network. 11, 320–327(2018)
Kenji SuzukiOverview of deep learning in medical imaging.10, 257–273(2017)
Bram van GinnekenFifty years of computer analysis in chest imaging:rule-based, machine learning, deep learning.10, 23–32(2017)
Katsuyuki TaguchiEnergy-sensitive photon counting detector-based X-ray computed tomography. 10, 8–22(2017)
Nobuyuki Miyahara, Toshiaki Kokubo, Yukihiro Hara, Ayuta Yamada, Takafumi Koike, Yoshihori AraiEvaluation of X-ray doses and their corresponding biological effects on experimental animals in cone-beam micro-CT scans. 9, 60–68(2016)
Rie TanakaDynamic chest radiography: flat-panel detector (FPD) based functional X-ray imaging. 9, 139–53(2016)
Tomomi Takenaga, Shigehiko Katsuragawa, Makoto Goto, Masahiro Hatemura, Yoshikazu Uchiyama, Junji ShiraishiModulation transfer function measurement of CT images by use of a circular edge method with a logistic curve-fitting technique. 8, 53–59(2015)
Kazuki Takegami, Hiroaki Hayashi, Hiroki Okino, Natsumi Kimoto, Itsumi Maehata, Yuki Kanazawa, Tohru Okazaki, Ikuo KobayashiPractical calibration curve of small-type optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeter for evaluation of entrance skin dose in the diagnostic X-ray region. 8, 286–294(2015)
Keiko Morikawa, Fumito Okada, Hiromu MoriExpiratory computed tomographic techniques: A cause of a poor rate of change in lung volume. 8, 153–159(2015)
Takeshi Oono, Fujio Araki, Shoya Tsuduki, Keiichi KawasakiMonte Carlo calculation of patient organ doses from computed tomography. 7, 176–182(2014)
Atsushi Urikura, Katsuhiko Ichikawa, Takanori Hara, Eiji Nishimaru,Spatial resolution measurement for iterative reconstruction by use of image-averaging techniques in computed tomography. 7, 358–366(2014)
Hiroshige Mori, Kichiro Koshida, Osamu Ishigamori, Kosuke MatsubaraEvaluation of the effectiveness of X-ray protective aprons in experimental and practical fields. 7, 158–166(2014)




Tatsuya Inoue, PhD, Juntendo UniversityHiroyuki Kabasawa, PhD, International University of Health and Welfare

2023年度Akram Hamato, PhD, National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology
Keisuke Matsubara, PhD, Akita Prefectural University
Eri Matsuyama, PhD, University of Fukuchiyama
Keisuke Yasui, PhD, Fujita Health University
2022年度Eleftherios Pappas, PhD, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Masatoshi Kondo PhD, Kyushu University
Weishan Chang PhD, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Naoki Ohno PhD, Kanazawa University
Satoshi Ito PhD, Utsunomiya University
Hiroyuki Kudo PhD, University of Tsukuba
2021年度Hideki Takegawa PhD, Kansai Medical University Hospital
Yasuo Takatsu PhD, Tokushima Bunri University
Takashi Ueguchi PhD, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Morihito Shimizu PhD, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
2020年度Mutsumi Tashiro PhD, Heavy Ion Medical Center, Gunma University
Chisako Muramatsu PhD, Faculty of Data Science, Shiga University
Pei-Jan Lin PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
Takashi Hanada PhD, Department of Radiology, Keio University
Tsutomu Zeniya PhD, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Hirosaki University
Shunsuke Yonai PhD, Department of Accelerator and Medical Physics, National Institute of Radiological Sciences, QST
2019年度Nobuyuki Kanematsu PhD, Department of Accelerator and Medical Physics, National Institute of Radiological Sciences, QST
Toru Yamamoto PhD, Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University
Kosuke Matsubara PhD, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
Masanobu Ibaraki PhD, Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Akita Research Institute of Brain and Blood Vessels
Satoru Endo PhD, Academy of Science and Technology, Hiroshima University

※「Radiological Physics and Technology」掲載論文の無断掲載は禁止されています

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